Before you pay for your membership, please ensure you have filled in the membership form which can be found here:

Membership Form

Yachting Payments

The yachting membership fees are as follows:

  • Annual – £38

Fees are to be paid into the yachting account, the details of which are as follows:

OUYC Yachting Section
Account number: 90170636
Sort code: 09-01-27

Please provide a reference as follows: Subs [First name] [Last name]
Example: Subs Jack Sparrow

Dinghy Payments (Includes Cuppers)

The dinghy membership fees are as follows:

  • Single day – £6
  • Annual – £15
  • Dinghy squad – £35
  • Cuppers – £25/team

Fees are to be paid into the dinghy account, the details of which are as follows:

OUYC Junior Members
Account number: 48390887
Sort code: 54-21-23

Please provide a reference as follows: Subs [First name] [Last name]
Example: Subs Jack Sparrow

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